10 Common Movie Myths Everyone Believes

3. Bulletproof Vests Will Stop Anything

Bulletproof Vest

Distraught at the realization his love is no more, our hero doesn't hear the group of bad guys surrounding him, each sporting a hilariously overacted "I've got you now" grin. The hero turns, meeting the eyes of each of his pursuers. And then, after a pause for dramatic effect, they open fire, pumping round after round into his chest. As the man lays on the ground, motionless, the villains think they've finally ended our hero's desperate struggle. What they don't know is that our man has an ace up his sleeve, the bulletproof vest he's sporting under his clothes. With that extra layer, we know he's not dead, but biding his time until he can get the drop on them. Bulletproof vests give you a second life. Despite every action movie ever, bulletproof vests aren't force fields made of magic. They operate on the simple premise of displacing a bullet's energy quickly enough over a large enough surface area that the flaming piece of lead doesn't reach your skin. Though the style of vest you typically see in movies, the kind that fits under clothing, protects against handguns, their effectiveness does wear down with each shot. Worse, they're aren't so great when it comes to guarding against something bigger, like shotguns or rifles. And even if a bulletproof vest does stop the bullet, there's still the blunt force trauma to worry about, which can be just as lethal. Though they are slightly better than a stack of phonebooks, bulletproof vests don't guarantee anyone's safety.
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Matt Dusenbury got his start blogging about music and the web back in 2006. Since then, he's branched out to Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. In 2011 he founded ANewAtlantis.com, a site dedicated to dismantling cultural artifacts, from movies to news stories. When he's not banging out new articles, you can find him neck-deep in tweets.