10 Complex Movie Schemes That Actually Make No Sense

The League Of Shadows ain't as smart as you think.

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, but somehow movie villains manage to pull theirs off. At least until the very last minute, when the heroes swoop in to save the day just as they're about to succeed. Which is a surprise, since increasingly the evil schemes put together by bad guys are needlessly complicated. Whatever happened to the good old days of kidnapping a good guy's significant other, tying them to some train tracks, and twiddling your moustache whilst cackling? Nowadays, in order to completely bamboozle their opponents, film villains will compose absolutely bonkers, lateral thinking puzzles of evil plans, of the sort that even the screenwriter seems to barely understand. And if the person coming up with it can't make sense of it, what chance do their characters have, eh? Well, as it happens, they absolutely shouldn't be able to. Because often, these plans don't make a lick of sense. Even accounting for the suspension of disbelief that comes from watching a popcorn flick, these things are complete boohockey. From Bond villains who don't understand the economy to supervillains with a weird penchant for getting captured on purpose, here are ten complex movie schemes that make no sense.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/