10 Creepy Horror Films Featuring Murderous Body Parts

4. Re-Animator

Although the Re-Animator series of movies aren€™t based on one particular murderous appendage, the serum that Herbert West uses to re-animate corpses often causes individual body parts to detach and wander off on their own little killing spree. While sometimes the serum is injected directly into a severed limb, cutting out the middle man. Re-Animator stars the fantastic Jeffrey Combs, best known for his outstanding role in The Frighteners, as well as the Star Trek:DS9 and Enterprise series. No one can play a mad scientist better than this man. These movies really are for those of a strong disposition, having some notoriously graphic scenes in them; one has a dead man€™s intestines coming alive and crawling out of his headless torso. This is possibly not the best first date movie.
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