10 Depressing Movie Endings That Will Completely Ruin Your Day

united 93 - controversial films Cinema truly is a wonderful thing. Where else can you find a group of complete strangers willing to sit in silence and stare at a screen for 2 hours at a time? The best experiences generally come at the end of a film. A good ending can bring together friends who'll forever remember the first time that they discovered who Luke Skywalker's father was. Families were united through tears at the final goodbye in Toy Story 3. An ending can also depress the hell out of you. Some films can put such a dampener on your day that you don't feel like doing anything but sitting in a dark room and wallow in the bleakness of your empty existence. Let's have a look at some films that completely ruined people's days There will be spoilers, obviously. You have been warned.
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A simple chap who loves the magic of cinema despite the odd disappointment or two. Get in touch with Jay on Twitter@reellife32.