10 Horrifying Movie Deaths That Happen Off Screen

9. Car Towing - The Hitcher

Georgie It
TriStar Pictures

Unfortunately, this brilliantly disgusting death had all of the nuance taken out of it by a shoddy remake in 2007 that left nothing to the imagination - but 1987's The Hitcher still stands as the origin point for creating such a f*cked up premise in the first place.

Waitress Nash has been tied up between two cars as a hostage situation, used to get a conversation between the titular psychopathic hitchhiker and average joe Jim Halsey. With her wrists bound to the bumper of a truck and her ankles tied to the back of another, should one move she'd be torn apart quite literally at the seams.

And wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what happens.

When the interaction between the two men goes south, the hitcher puts his foot on the gas. We watch as Nash's hands jerk and she screams out in pain before the shot cuts to black, and we're left with stretching out a painfully vivid imagining of what exactly happens when someone is torn apart by trucks.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.