10 Horror Films That Eerily Came True

3. Poltergeist

poltergeist original

Poltergeist is an iconic 1982 horror movie about a family who are plagued by an invasion of angry, malevolent spirits. Although there are many reported cases of poltergeists and other supernatural events each year, this entry is about another aspect of the film entirely.

The following entry, while not strictly an example of a horror movie coming true, has to be one of the strangest coincidences in horror movie history. In the scene below we see the two children in the film being terrified by a creepy toy clown just before it comes to life.

Pretty scary, right? But did you notice the poster on the wall?

In case you can't quite make it out, the poster says, "1988 Super Bowl XXII." There's nothing particularly strange about a young boy having a Super Bowl poster on his wall. What is slightly peculiar is that the film was released in 1982, six years before Super Bowl XXII.

What's even stranger is what happened six years after the film's release.

On the 31st of January 1988, Heather O'Rourke, the actress who played the little girl in the film and its sequels, suddenly became violently ill. The next morning she collapsed and paramedics had to be called. On the way to hospital she suffered a cardiac arrest and after resuscitation was airlifted to hospital where she died later that day. She was 12 years old.

Do you know what else happened on 31st of January 1988? Yes, you guessed it. Superbowl XXII.

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Created in a petri dish in an underground lab, I was originally designed by scientists to carry out high-profile assassinations for the CIA. Unfortunately, something went wrong and my only skill was writing list-based articles. So now I do that instead.