10 Most Confusing Movie Endings People Don't Understand

6. Grease

Grease ending
Paramount Pictures

On the face of it Grease is a pretty straight-forward musical that shouldn't be keeping anyone awake at night.

But seriously, are we all gonna just ignore that insane final scene where Danny (John Travolta) and Sandy (Olivia Newton John) drive into the air and fly away?

It's a moment that's left fans of the iconic musical baffled for literally decades, because the rest of the movie is relatively grounded - for the standards of a musical, anyway.

One prominent fan theory suggests that the car taking flight is symbolic of Sandy's ascent to Heaven, and that the entirety of the movie was actually her dying dream. You see, though she talks about being saved by Danny from drowning at the beach, that's just a little wishful thinking, and she wasn't quite so lucky.

Jim Jacobs, who co-created the original musical, has rubbished the theory, though curiously didn't provide any sort of explanation in place. Are we supposed to believe it's just a piece of random magical realism in an otherwise fairly down-to-Earth film?

And with that, the confusion sadly endures.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.