The Batman franchise in all its forms has unquestionably had its ups and downs; the highs of Christopher Nolan's masterful recent trilogy, and the punishing lows of Joel Schumacher's horrendously camp take on the material. What remains consistent throughout, however, is the odd abundance of cringe-inducing moments, even in the very best Nolan films, that seem to creep in. Only two Batman films to date - Tim Burton's Batman and The Dark Knight Rises - managed to escape without a single mention (though Jack Nicholson's dancing to Prince in the former nearly made the cut), and perhaps most surprising is the amount of times Christopher Nolan's classic films show up in this list. Here are the 10 most cringe-worthy moments from Batman films...
10. "It's Not Who I Am Underneath, But What I Do That Defines Me" - Batman Begins
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6vMo14mGNw&t=1m4s If there's something filmmakers love doing, it's presenting material to the viewer at the start of the film that seems relatively innocuous, and then bring it back to the surface near the end of film amid a new context. It makes the writer feel clever, and usually gives audiences a bit of a giggle or makes them feel a sense of poignance. In Batman Begins, early on in the film when Rachel Dawes sees a returning Bruce Wayne for the first time, acting like a spoiled punk in a restaurant he's turned into his own personal swimming pool (to throw people off the Batman scent), she tells him "It's not who you are underneath, but what you do, that defines you" after he hints that there
is more to him than meets the eye. In the third act, when Batman shows up at the Gallows to save the day, Rachel asks Bats his name. He doesn't answer, instead reciting Rachel's line back at her, ensuring she now knows who he is, before he takes flight to save the city. Though it's one of those moments that was a nice primer for the final dash for Gotham, in retrospect it is rather cheesy, though ranks low on the list because Bats doesn't yet have that ridiculous growl. Speaking of which...