10 Most Shocking Horror Movie Endings

1. The Human Centipede: Only The Middle Section Survives

Friday the 13th
Bounty Films

It's easy to forget how shocking that final moment in The Human Centipede truly is. The whole thing has gotten lost in the infamy surrounding the movie's premise and is, in some respects, overshadowed by the downright disgusting scenes that precede it.

By the final act, the demented Dr. Heiter has realised his vision of binding three hapless human beings together ass-to-mouth, but it hasn't panned out quite the way he planned, especially the part about the bullet that ends up lodged in his brain.

With the sadistic surgeon dead, things don't improve much for the movie's sole survivor, a girl named Lindsay, who had the misfortune of serving as the titular centipede's middle section.

As the curtain comes down, she's stitched between two corpses with little to no hope of rescue. The movie ends to the sound of her sobbing as the camera pans away... or was that the audience blubbering in the face of the sheer horror they had just witnessed?


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