10 Reasons You Shouldn't Get Excited About Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5

9. Blomkamp's Been Making The Same Film Since District 9

Aside from what's been seen of the concept art, what can you expect from Neill Blomkamp's Alien? Normally for a movie yet to enter pre-production, the answer to that question would be wild speculation, but as Blomkamp has been making films in the exact same vein since his debut it's actually pretty easy to nail down specifics. While Elysium and Chappie may have both had their own distinct starting point, the finished product ended up being a pretty paltry knock-off of the sublime District 9. All directors, to some degree, have a recognisable style, but Blomkamp takes it a step further, with just so many shared elements it's like he's purposely trying to have each movie regurgitate the one before it. With each new release it's looking more and more like he simply isn't the visionary filmmaker he initially seemed, happy to repeat the one trick that worked. So get ready for an Alien 5 full of mechs stylistically similar District 9's, copious security camera footage, lots of news reports doling out exposition, a snarling cartoon supporting villain who becomes the main antagonist by the end, a throwaway gang leader who's around way too much and a well-liked female actress in a role that promises big, but winds up doing nothing. Oh, and Sharlto Copely shoe-horned into a major role - Blomkamp loves to help out his mate.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.