10 Small Details That Could Ruin Upcoming Comic Book Movies

It's a small world, after all.

Sometimes it doesn't take a huge mistake to ruin something - just a small one. Throughout the course of cinematic history, then, countless motion pictures have been spoiled because the filmmakers failed to hone a relatively small aspect of production: a miscalculated ending, perhaps, or the casting of a particularly unsuitable actor, or an unfitting soundtrack, even. Although a good movie can exist with a few flaws, of course, a great movie should feel relatively uniform from start to end - a consecutive piece of work that appears to flow as one fluid whole, and looks to be consistently firing on all cylinders. There are a bunch of comic book movies currently in the works with the potential to be truly great slices of cinematic awesomeness. And though there are bound to be a few flaws inherent to all of them, as long as the associated filmmakers ensure not to screw up a number of the smaller details, chances are that they'll deliver what fans are looking for. Join us, then, as we take a look at 10 upcoming comic book flicks - movies that could find themselves entirely ruined should a few small details find themselves somehow overlooked...

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.