10 Tarantino Brands That Don't Actually Exist in Real Life

quentin tarantino

As a writer and director, Quentin Tarantino has created a vast universe for his characters and story lines to play around in. He is also quite adept at creating a series of brand name places and things to go along in his stories. Although a lot of what he puts into his world is only available to enjoy if you're a character in one of his films, we have certainly enjoyed spotting these subtle little product placements in his films. Here is a list of some of the most interesting and memorable Tarantino brand name products that you won't find in your local Yellow Pages or at your closest convenience store.

10. K-Billy Radio

Reservoir Dogs The group of thieves in Reservoir Dogs, in particular Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), Nice Guy Eddie (Chris Penn) and Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) are just gushing about K-Billy Radio's Super Sounds Of The 70's weekend. They lovingly reminisce about their youth, and where they were when they first heard all those classics. With comedian Steven Wright as the DJ, providing an informative intro to each song in his signature monotone delivery, the listener is brought back to much happier and simpler times. The use of K-Billy radio is put to full effect as Mr. Blonde decides to tune into K-Billy just before "Stuck In The Middle With You" fills the airwaves, the perfect music to torture an unwitting police officer to. Alas, this is one station that isn't on either of the radio dials, but all of Wright's terrific intros and the music to go with it are featured on the Reservoir Dogs soundtrack.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.