10 Things We Learned About Cinema In 2017

9. You Could Spot The Bombs A Mile Away

2017 Movies

During the chaotic summer months when studios drop their big-budget marquee releases into theaters with increasingly-alarming regularity, there are bound to be casualties. With billions of dollars potentially at stake and with fresh competition arriving on an almost weekly basis, not every movie gets to be a blockbuster.

The problem is, some of these movies never really stand a chance to begin with. In fact, most of 2017's biggest box office bombs had long been predicted to fail before audiences even had a chance to see them. And for the most part, these predictions were spot on.

Valerian, Geostorm, King Arthur, Monster Trucks and The Dark Tower all cost well upwards of $100m to produce when marketing costs are factored in and to the surprise of virtually nobody, all of them tanked and incurred hefty financial losses as a result.

Which begs the question; why are the studios consistently spending such astronomical amounts on projects that even a casual moviegoer can tell from a mile off aren't worth their money?

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