10 Things You Didn't Know About Yoda

8. He Was Almost Literally A Muppet

Star Wars Yoda Concept Art

What is the definition of a Muppet? For a start the lovable cuddly monstrosities are made in Jim Henson's workshop, which is where George Lucas went with his first concepts for Yoda during pre-production of Empire. Henson himself declined because he was busy with The Muppet Movie at the time, but one of his associates, Frank Oz, took on the task of helping realise the puppet Yoda.

Frank Oz was the main puppeteer for Yoda, and also his voice in the movies. He helped develop the familiar high-pitched croak of the pointy-eared Jedi along with his combination of old man crustiness and New Age know-all. Oz's other notable voice work included such luminaries as Miss Piggy and the Cookie Monster.

So if the definition of a Muppet is a Jim Henson creation voiced by the same guy who did Fozzie Bear, then Yoda most definitely fits it.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.