This may be an odd or minor point to bring up but the uniforms of Star Fleet in the second J.J. Abrams movie seemed completely incongruous with a hopeful and peaceful society. Gene's vision was of a people who had removed the shackles of violence from their world, who had come to terms with their more animal urges and bigotry and had overcome them. The grey, SS style uniforms and caps looked military in a way that the uniforms of the original series never did. Star Fleet was supposed to be an organisation of exploration and peace but we're expected to believe that after the attack by Nero in the first reboot movie they completely abandon their entire ideology. In the original timeline Star Fleet had ways of dealing with the Klingons, Romulans and other species and they started with diplomacy. The uniforms are an extension of the ideology. The colourful and hopeful uniforms of the 60's series were a reflection of the message of peace that was to be spread throughout the stars. This message has been lost in the reboot and that is probably the biggest shame of all. Yes, the ship uniforms retain their colours but even dress uniforms at the time of the original series were colourful and bright. What really made Star Trek the hit it became was the message of peace, without that it's just not Star Trek.
I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.