10 Worst Zombie Films Of All Time

7. Zombie Creeping Flesh (1980)

Full of stock footage, technical goofs, saucer-eyed €˜actors€™ and laughably cheap effects, Zombie Creeping Flesh is an incoherent mess from start to finish that deserves to seen by all lovers of €˜So Bad It€™s Good€™ cinema. At a chemical plant in New Guinea, a research project codenamed Operation Sweet Death backfires (what€™re the odds?), turning the workforce into pasty-faced flesh eaters. As luck would have it, a hostage rescue team armed with a million rounds of ammunition just happens to be in the neighbourhood, so they blow the undead to smithereens. The film€™s first cut reportedly contained so much unusable material that most of it was junked and re-shot, with documentary footage haphazardly edited into the narrative, which perhaps explains why the first thirty minutes feels like three different films overlapping. Exactly why the female lead decides at one point to undress and paint her body, however, remains a mystery.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'