12 Biggest Unanswered Marvel Movie Mysteries

9. What Next For The Abomination?

Iron Man Badassium
Marvel Studios

At the end of The Incredible Hulk, Tim Roth's excellent, hammy Abomination - who over-zealously follows Bruce Banner's lead and turns himself into an incredibly sore-looking hulk monster - has been locked up in a cryo-chamber prison in Alaska as revealed by Agents Of SHIELD. He's not killed off, he's just put on ice, presumably so that General Ross can experiment on him to find ways to beat the Hulk.

So what now? Is he still on ice?

Marvel actually reportedly had plans for him to return in Age Of Ultron, but they went in a different way (unfortunately), so it seems their decision to keep him alive was intentional. The question now is whether they follow through on a return at another point - perhaps to sit him on Thanos' right hand as another problem for the Avengers to deal with?


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