13 Harry Potter Plot-Holes (That Were Totally Solved)

8. How Did Voldemort Get His Wand Back?

Voldemort Wand
Warner Bros.

The "Plot-Hole"

As the main cast prove throughout the books, misplacing or breaking your wand isn't all that rare an occurence in the wizarding world, so it's astonishing to see that Voldemort managed to basically die (or at least have his bodily form destroyed) and still manage to get his original wand back.

How did he manage to retrieve the wand after the death of the Potters to use it again at the end of the Goblet Of Fire? Shouldn't that have been answered in the books?

The Solution

It probably should have yes, but we had to wait until after the release for JK Rowling to offer an explanation. She says it was returned to him by a dutiful follower (despite some difficult logistical concerns):

"Wormtail, desperate to curry favour, salvaged it from the place it had fallen and carried it to him. I admit that would have been a bit of a feat for a rat, but they are highly intelligent creatures!"

And it's not like he was any old rat.

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