15 Movie Characters Who Look Nothing Like They Did In Real Life

8. Jesus Christ - The Passion Of Christ

The contention over Jesus' existence and the actions he committed if he was real is something we're not even going to vaguely deal with. For the sake of this article, let's go with the basic situation where he was some guy from Nazareth.

The conventional depiction of Jesus is as a white guy with a big beard and long hair. Now while he may have gone for the unkept combo, he most certainly wouldn't have been white. There's no description of him in the Bible (and if there was there's no reason it could have been taken as accurate), but given that he lived in the middle east it would be silly for him not to have dark skin. As Christianity grew in the west, his depiction changed, with some arguing Cesare Borgia even designed the Son of God in his image. And thus every movie depiction of Jesus, even the meticulously planned The Passion of the Christ, is off.

This is something more heavily ingrained in our culture as a whole than just a slight movie miscasting, although why the usually pernickety Mel Gibson didn't go for more authenticity we don't know.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.