2 More Reasons Why Fans And Critics Can’t Agree On Superhero Films

Because sometimes critics are just dicks in interviews.

Warcraft Reviews
Universal Pictures/Rotten Tomatoes

I have a confession to make. A couple of days ago I wrote an article (8 Reasons Why Fans And Critics Cant Agree On Superhero Films) that took a long hard look at the current state of movie fandom and the massive divide we're seeing between superhero fans and critics that ultimately honed in on how, while both sides want good films and can normally find a middle ground, there's a big difference between what die-hard fans and a professional critic want from a comic book adaptation.

I published it, it was out in the world, it was done.

However, since the piece went live I realised I missed out a couple of integral points on the debate, motivated by both a recent deplorable event that gets right to the heart of the critical mindset and discussion following original article. And so I'm going to do my own little "special edition", tacking these essential points on at the end. It's a highly unconventional way to do a top ten, but in the interest of completion, here's two more reasons for the divide (that are perhaps even more important than the original eight).

If you haven't read the original article, check that out first, then come back for the new conclusion.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.