20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

16. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

After the relative calamity that was National Lampoon's European Vacation, a sequel that served only to tarnish the likes of the original flick through uninspired "comic" sequences and questionable characterisation, Christmas Vacation was something of a return to form for the franchise. No, it's not a classic in the same sense as the first iconic movie, but it is a worthwhile comic feat in its own right. Generally speaking, the years have been kind to Christmas Vacation, given its standing now as something of a cult flick. Indeed, there are many who would argue that this is actually the funniest Vacation movie of all. Mostly, it's a series of sight gags and slapstick hi-jinks, but there are enough to keep you interested for the entire length of the flick. From a script written by the legend who is John Hughes, and with Chevy Chase firmly on form from the very first scene to the very last, Christmas Vacation more than justifies its existence; it also brought some credibility back to the National Lampoon name.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.