20 Greatest Movie Villains Played By British Actors

1. Alan Rickman - Hans Gruber

I am going to count to three. There will not be a four...
Film Appearance(s): Die Hard (1988) In at number one is Hans Gruber; the master criminal trying to pull off the heist of the century under the guise of a terrorist attack in Die Hard. Gruber is a suave, classically educated villain who is a million miles away from the generic villains of most eighties action films. The reason? Alan freakin€™ Rickman. A London born, former member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, would not be most people€™s first choice for a German bad guy in 1988 but Rickman, in his first big screen appearance, brings a certain gravitas to the role and threatened to steal the film from under Bruce Willis€™ nose. His sneering, snobbish performance proved the perfect foil to Willis€™ working class hero and that dynamic helped make Die Hard one of the greatest action films of all time. They say every hero is only as good as their villain; if that€™s true then without Rickman€™s Gruber it€™s possible we would never have seen John McClane again. Did You Know?...The scene where Gruber and McClane meet for the first time was only inserted during pre-production after John McTiernan found out that Rickman could do an American accent. The scene was also Rickman's first on-set and he injured his knee jumping off a ledge. For the rest of that scene Rickman had to stand on one leg due to the pain and wore a brace under his trousers. That's the list finished. We hope you enjoyed it. Please let us know in the comments section below which other non-British villains played by British actors get your back up...
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.