20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Alien Movies

In space no one can hear you scream.

Alien xenomorphs behind the scenes
20th Century Fox

It’s been nearly forty years since Ridley Scott’s Alien was released back in 1979 when it simultaneously redefined the sci-fi horror genre, put both Scott and its star Sigourney Weaver as major film talents to watch and – most importantly – scared the crap out of us.

Since then we’ve had three sequels ranging from the great (Aliens) to the not so great (Alien 3), a couple of spinoffs and a prequel in the form of 2012’s Prometheus. And with the release of Alien: Covenant edging ever closer, what better time to take a look back at one of the sci-fi genre’s most enduring franchises?

From behind the scenes ructions and uniquely creative special effects to crossovers with other films and Alien movies that could’ve been, we’re here to pique your curiosity in the upcoming second prequel with a smorgasbord of facts fascinating enough to blow your mind. Well, not literally but let’s just say it includes shredded condoms, a cannabis farm and The Who.

For the record, we’re concentrating on ‘pure’ Alien movies (that is, the original four films and two prequels) and disregarding spinoffs Alien vs. Predator and Alien vs. Predator: Requiem.

Mostly because they’re not really considered canon by many Alien fans, but also because they’re sh*t.

20. Alien – K.Y. Jelly, Condoms And Cheap Caviar

Alien xenomorphs behind the scenes

Nowadays, super convincing CGI may have done much of the special effects work on Alien but back in 1979 when CGI was still in its infancy the crew had to get a little creative with the tools at their disposal. What were those tools exactly? Only a sh*t-tonne of K-Y Jelly, condoms, offal, foodstuff and other unlikely substances.

The alien xenomorph’s drool and generally slimy veneer was created using copious amounts of lube and the tendons in its jaws were actually shredded condoms.

The dead face-hugger that android Ash performs an autopsy on was a combination of oysters, clams and other such seafood delicacies and Ash’s insides were a tasty mixture of spaghetti, cheap caviar, milk and marbles. Yum.

It’s enough to put you off sex and food for life.

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