20 Things You Didn’t Know About The Nightmare On Elm Street Franchise

15. The First Film Used 500 Gallons of Blood

Freddy Krueger Outfit
New Line Cinema

Despite so many people being brutally killed in them, the original Halloween, Friday the 13th, and even Texas Chainsaw Massacre films don’t have too much blood. A Nightmare on Elm Street, on the other hand, has so much that it almost becomes comical.

Throughout the production, the crew used over 500 gallons of fake blood. That’s an insane amount, but to be fair, a lot of that was used in the same two sequences: the Tina death scene where she spins on the ceiling and the Glen blood geyser sequence, both of which spray buckets of blood everywhere.

Not all of that blood even ended up on screen. For that geyser sequence, the filmmakers flipped the set so it was upside down, positioning the camera to make it appear right side up. Then they poured the gallons of fake blood down through the bed, and so it would appear on camera that the blood was rising up, when in reality it was actually falling down. 

The room was supposed to be spinning, but a mistake was made so that it started spinning the wrong way, resulting in blood getting all over the equipment and the crew. Craven described it as a “ferris wheel from hell," which sounds like a great title for a Wes Craven movie.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.