23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

22. Revenge Over Justice - The Call

The Call revolves around a 911 operator, Jordan Turner (Halle Berry), who receives a call from a teenage girl, Casey Welson (Abigail Breslin), who has been kidnapped and shoved in the trunk of a car by psychopath Michael Foster (Michael Eklund). The movie ends with Jordan taking the law into her own hands and chasing Foster down, tracking him to his lair, where he is holding Casey hostage. She attacks Michael, and frees Casey, at which point they manage to get the better of Michael and knock him out. So, what do they do? He wakes up tied to a chair, and though Jordan considers calling 911, they ultimately tell him that they plan to simply leave him there to die, claiming that Casey escaped and Michael had gone missing. As he protests, Jordan tells him, "It's already done", in a call-back to his own catchphrase used earlier in the movie, and locks the door on him. Why It Sucks: Tonally, this ending is totally at odds with everything we've seen up to this point, and feels like it was written by someone else or mandated by the studio. Rather than opt for some smarmy, Saw-esque twist, it would have made more sense if Jordan and Casey called the cops on the guy once they had him tied up, considering that he had numerous female scalps in his lair, and the police would probably want to know about that, not to mention the families of the victims. So, so dumb.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.