30 Most Exciting Films In Development Right Now

Though it's very much possible that 2015 might be the best year ever for fanboy-friendly movies what with so many enticing blockbusters on the way, what about movies that haven't even started shooting yet? Filmmaking is a notoriously fickle business, and though it's usually best not to get too invested in a project until it's actually started shooting, these 30 films are absolutely going to happen. Why? Because there's too much potential money to be made for studios not to get them moving in the coming months and years. From long-awaited video game adaptations to epic, world-building sequels, reboots and the occasional original project, these 30 movies are going to be under intense media scrutiny as production ramps up, and if even just half of them are as great as their potential suggests, then the years following 2015 won't be too harsh of a comedown. Though release dates may shift and casting is always subject to change, each of these movies has the potential to be massive critical and commercial success given the right approach, and considering how easy it seems to get them right, film buffs the world over will be readily rooting for these 30 tremendously exciting projects. Here are the 30 most exciting films in development right now...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.