5 Telltale Signs Marvel Studios Is About To Implode

There's a Civil War brewing in Marvel Studios, and it has nothing to do with Captain America and Iron Man.

As of right now, it almost appears as if Marvel Studios is unstoppable. Moving from hit to hit, their movies receive almost unanimously positive reviews (only a few tropes ultimately seem to keep tripping them up with some critics) and comic book fans worship Kevin Feige like he's some sort of deity. Every time a non-Marvel Studios movie goes wrong, the answer is always to let the rights revert to them so they can get it right; Sony have even done just that by turning to Feige for help with the Spider-Man franchise! However, as they now set their sights on Phase 3, cracks are starting to form in the House of Ideas. Over the past six months or so, rumours of troubles behind the scenes have started to plague the once seemingly perfect studio, and now a serious divide has formed between Marvel Entertainment and Marvel Studios which points to a war between the two which could end up leading to even more casualties in the company than those set to occur in the MCU when Captain America: Civil War finally reaches the big screen. So, what are the main problems facing Marvel Studios and which TV shows and movies look set to suffer as a result?
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