7 Strangest Promotional Images in Film History
Seven marketing images that you can't quite believe were used to promote these classic films.
Promotional images as marketing tools for movies have been around almost as long as films themselves. Some are incredibly memorable and help sell the themes, genre, narrative, actors and tone of a movie and can prove to be one of the most important selling tools for a motion picture. This was even more important back in the days before the internet where newspaper and magazine promotion was even more crucial than it is now and the whole concept of a movie needed to be encapsulated in one single image. Some (and way too often these days) some promotional images aren't memorable at all and add little to the bottom dollar of the box office. And then there are some promotional images which are just completely strange in comparison to the actual film. This article will focus on the ten strangest promotional images in film history, marketing images that you can't quite believe were used to promote these classic films....