8 All-Time Classic Movies You Didn't Know Flopped At The Box Office

4. It's A Wonderful Life

The-Shawshank-Redemption- 1994

As far as Christmas traditions go, there might be none finer than gathering the family around the television to watch George Bailey learn a valuable life lesson, courtesy of his guardian angel (unless Christmas Vacation is on, in which case you watch that because, well, it's Christmas Vacation!)

It's A Wonderful Life is rightly heralded as an all-time classic and, despite its frequently depressing nature, remains a very inspirational film. It's a sharply-written, touchingly-acted allegory that is sure to bring even the hardest of men to tears by the film's end.

At the time of its release, however, it was simply another reason to believe director Frank Capra had lost a bit of the zing that made Mr. Deeds Goes to Town and Lost Horizon such favourites. Despite garnering five Academy Award nominations, critics were lukewarm on the film.

It's A Wonderful Life was nestled in obscurity for a solid couple of decades until its copyright lapsed in 1974, which allowed television stations to play the film without having to pay any royalties. That's why you couldn't turn on the TV during the holiday season without seeing James Stewart and Donna Reed, and that's what ultimately helped push the movie into its now iconic status.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.