9 Almost-Great Movie Moments Ruined By Shoddy CGI

8. Sirius Black's Death - Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Sirius Black Death Gary Oldman.jpg
Warner Bros.

For fans of Harry Potter the death of Sirius Black became one of the defining moments of the series. Simultaneously marking the first time a grown up Harry€™s lost someone incredibly close to him and reaffirming the cold hearted villain status of Bellatrix Lastrange, it's a moment that's over quickly, causing many fans to flick back a page to make sure they'd not misread something.

In the film, the brevity of the moment is kept, but the execution feels messy. Sirius is hit by Bellatrix's killing curse, then falls back into - the veil. At this point, Gary Oldman is replaced by a computerised copy, becoming a faded ghost and unconvincingly floating away.

The join here is obvious, it's as if Sirius stumbled backwards into a Zemekis motion-capture event and while the film does a good job to create emotion afterwards, that doesn't hide that the moment itself is incredibly disappointing.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.