Have you ever discovered that a movie you just adored as a kid actually gets a lot of hate? Or have you ever watched a kid's movie as an adult and fell in love with it, only to read reviews that scorned your new favorite? Sometimes it seems that movie critics can get a little full of themselves and their own importance, which can lead to them being overly critical, especially of children's movies. After all, this is a movie made directly for a child. They're not exactly interested in the subtle nuances of the actor's voice acting or the metaphorical message that underlies the plot. Children are generally more easy-going creatures who just want characters to love and a hero to cheer on. But it seems that critics lose sight of this a times and give a lot of hate to what is a perfectly good film for a child. There are some underrated movies that aren't just magical for kids, instead they only get better when viewed through an adult's eyes because we can see all the truly great things that went over our heads beforehand - one can only assume that they went right over the heads of their reviewers as well. So stand up against the injustice of snooty movie critics and read on to discover why these kids movies are actually fantastic, despite their ratings.
Sara Rowe. 22 year old writer and blogger from Oklahoma. Graduated with my Bachelor's in English and a minor in Spanish. Love cats, soccer, reading, writing, and fashion. My life is rich in embarrassments but still an embarrassment of riches.