Avengers: Endgame Trailer - 8 Small Details You Might Have Missed

6. ...And Nebula Is Definitely Onboard

avengers endgame tony stark arc reactor vest top

Another topic of discussion the trailer generated is whether or not Nebula is onboard the same ship as Tony. Though there isn't a definitive, conclusive shot that confirms as much, there is strong evidence to suggest that she is.

In her full-body shot in the trailer, we can see what looks like a pair of ladders in the centre of the frame, and the edge of a huge round window off to the far right. That window looks suspiciously like the one found on the front of the Benatar - it even has a "rim" running through it, which the main Benatar window also has.

And then there's those ladders. The way they're designed - thin, chrome metal, lots of holes like a cheese grater - looks exactly like the design of several metal footholds we can see dotted about the Benatar in Infinity War:

avengers infinity war benatar foot holds
Walt Disney Studios

Plus, in Nebula's second shot, she appears to be caressing some of Gamora's clothes; the Benatar is the last ship that Gamora was on.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.