Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

7. Ebony Maw

Avengers Infinity War Black Order Children Of Thanos Ebony Maw
Marvel Studios

Ebony Maw is such a great secondary villain that it's almost a shame that he didn't get a chance to be the main villain in his own movie. He's effectively Thanos' hype man, heralding his arrival but also making sure all of his victims know how lucky they are to be laying down their lives for the good of the balance of the universe.

Actor Tom Vaughan-Lawlor is wonderful, with a sort of children's TV presenter calm and a perverse warmth to his voice that makes him deliciously creepy. And his powers make him a legitimate threat to even the most powerful of Avengers (he's actually a lot more powerful than he is in the comics).

He actually ends up having limited screentime but while he's around, he's pretty great.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.