Avengers: Infinity War - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

7. The Original Avengers Are Needed Again

The Avengers Hero Shot
Marvel Studios

The movie very conveniently leaves all of the original Avengers line-up alive - give or take a guy with a bow and arrows - and most of them together at that. Tony Stark is still on Titan, but the others are grouped together on Wakanda, and now the world needs them more than ever before.

As the threads that started back in 2008's Iron Man - and more pertinently 2012's The Avengers - come to an end, it's really quite fitting that it comes back down to these heroes again.

Assuming everything is as 'straightforward' as it seems, then they'll need to reconnect with Tony Stark and figure out a way of restoring the universe. This also gives Hawkeye the perfect chance to come back into the team (and he must be alive, as otherwise they'd have included him), with the sad reality being that his family has probably been wiped out, forcing him back into action. It could be here that Tony Stark's B.A.R.F. technology comes back into play too, as a means of forgetting traumatic experiences (which it's fair to say this counts as), or learning from the past to discover a way to undo the ending of this movie and defeat Thanos.

It started with these heroes and, despite how much bigger things have gotten, it's going to 'end' with them too, allowing a true passing of the touch to take place and the possible necessity for them to sacrifice themselves for the future.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.