Batman: Ranking Every Movie Villain's Signature Style From Worst To Best
Actually, both Banes look great. Fight us.
When you dress your Batman villains, you have to take a few things into account. First, they have to have SOME link to the comics, or they're no more than name stealers. But then at the same time, you need to make sure they don't look entirely ridiculous. Sometimes, film-makers catch lightening in a bottle and the villain's look ends up being somewhat definitive, but others, it all goes badly wrong.
Let's have some fun and see where all of The Dark Knight's major cinematic rogues gallery fall...
In the interest of rules and regulations (because who DOESN'T love them?!) let's leave out the minor bad guys who might have bigger roles in the comics or the more supporting figures like Carmine Falcone or Suger and Spice from Batman Forever. Oh and Joel Schumacher, because that would just be cruel...
And let's leave the Suicide Squad out of this, shall we? They're not strictly in a Batman movie and some of them aren't linked to him at all even in that movie, so there's just too much grey area. Just accept that Jared Leto's Joker would rank poorly. Very poorly, actually.
So anyway, who makes it to the top of the sartorial ranking?