Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons Troy Baker Would Be The Perfect Joker

Could he be the one to finally live up to Heath Ledger?

Troy Baker Joker1 The Arkham series of Batman games have given us some incredible interpretations of classic characters; Mark Hamill€™s Joker reminded us all of the amazing animated series which had typified many of our childhoods. Hamill stood down before Arkham Origins, handing his role over to prolific voice actor Troy Baker. Many were apprehensive about this due to the phenomenal job of the Star Wars actor, but Baker pulled it off with an absolutely amazing performance. Before we get into this, check out this clip where Troy Baker gives us what is perhaps the most menacing version of the Joker€™s ominous monologue from The Killing Joke. Batman Vs Superman will certainly see the titular heroes trading blows, but it seems like there would need to be a unifying threat in order to draw the heroes together; Jesse Eisenburg will be playing Lex Luthor, but will this conniving businessman be a prominent enough threat to warrant a union between DC€™s greatest heroes? To include the Joker would mean that we get to see Batman and Superman come face to face with their mortal enemies, as well as giving audiences two villains that they are extremely familiar with. The film is already looking rather crammed, full of confirmed or suspected characters, so what damage could throwing in the chaotic character of The Joker do?
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A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: