Can You Identify The Cult Horror Movie From A Single Image?
How well do you know your cult classic horror?

Halloween is very nearly upon us, and it's unquestionably the greatest time of the year to be a horror film fan.
Whether you've been bingeing horror movies throughout October or are planning a marathon on All Hallows' Eve itself, it's the perfect time to settle in with some classic horror flicks.
And while any genre fan worth their salt is familiar with the generic, mainstream horror slop dumped in multiplexes every week, how's your knowledge of slightly more left-field, lesser-known movies?
From critically acclaimed genre hits to ultra-niche foreign horrors, you'll need a voracious cinematic appetite to get 100% on this quiz.
From genre precursors that turn 100 years old next year to recent minor hits, from the found footage genre, to giallo, gorno and everything in-between, you're a true horror aficionado if you can get even close to full marks.
Yet even in failure, you might find a film or two to add to your watchlist. As ever, the answers are at the end, so the best of luck!...