Cloverfield details... budget, casting, new secret website?

Cloverfield would have been "just another disaster movie" shot with the rather cool idea of handheld camera's if it hadn't been for this clever marketing campaign. Now the buzz for the film is huge... this movie feels like next year's summer epic but in reality it's just a mediocre sized movie opening in January.

It's kinda similar to the The Blair Witch of 1999. Genius stuff. A new Viral Marketing Campaign has started for the movie, with the cryptic site opening which links directly to (which seems to have heavy traffic at my end at the moment). Apparently it's a puzzle site which had the image below. Slash Film have more details if your interested but those puzzle things take up to much time that I don't have! Lots of new and interesting details have emerged about the movie over the last couple of hours... A) The film was greenlit in February and then given a budget of $30 million B) The cast is made-up of unknowns C) It's not yet known if the whole film is shot from an "average joe's" handheld camera, that could just be the one sequence in the trailer
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Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.