Eva Green Joins Tim Burton's DARK SHADOWS!! Does That Mean No Helena Bonham Carter....

Has Tim Burton finally come around to accepting what we've all known ourselves for years and that's there are actually candidates out there way better than his partner Helena Bonham Carter to portray the major female roles in his films! The seductive Goddess and decidedly Burton-esque weird Eva Green has just won the female lead role in Dark Shadows, the Warner Bros adaptation of the 60's supernatural ABC daily serial that centers on Johnny Depp as a tortured vampire, with feelings. Green is negotiating a deal to appear as Angelique, a powerful witch who is embroiled in a love/hate relationship with Depp's vampire. The French actress who usually works in Indie fare but has had two high profile career turns - one as the Bond girl that got to 007's heart more than most, Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale, and intriguingly once as a blockbuster Witch in The Golden Compass. We are big fans of Green around here and we had pegged her as one of our favourites for Talia in Batman 3, but it wasn't to be, at least not yet. Earlier in the week we heard that Bella Heathcote was in talks to appear as Victoria Winters, the young lady who is actually the lead of the picture (think Alice in Alice in Wonderland) and becomes the Governess of the Collins estate because she resemblances the Vampire€™s long lost love (who we now know is Eva Green). Also Jackie Earle Haley was in talks for the role of Willie Loomis €“ a notorious con artist who becomes man servant when his blood is sucked by Depp's vampire. Filming begins in April for a release next year and I love the concept, love the cast... and I suppose the closest of Burton's films to this would be Sweeney Todd and Sleepy Hollow - two films I loved. Though I am terrified about the commercial minded Burton after Alice in Wonderland - and a post-Twilight movie with Johnny Depp as a vampire could very easily be made for the wrong reasons. Let's hope not.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.