Harry Potter: What If Harry Was The Villain? - 7 Ways It Would Have Changed
What if Harry chose to act on the dark instead of the light?

If you grew up in the Harry Potter generation, then you've probably read every book, seen the 8 films more times than you can count on both hands and you probably know the rules of Quiddich better than any "muggle" sport. So you'd be pretty annoyed if someone came and just changed the film you fell in love with, wouldn't you?
Well, take a moment to look at the amazing video that BloodBlitz Comedy created, where they paint Harry Potter as the villain of his own films, then decide if it's really such a bad thing to take something old and recreating something completely new with it.
In it, Harry is a demented, murderous teenage wizard who seems to have a passion for torturing and creeping out his fellow students, teachers and well, pretty much anyone he comes into contact with. In other words, he is a modern day Tom Riddle.
I can't help but think this perspective is an interesting one and could have made for a thrilling horror film.... but how would it have changed the Wizarding World if the "Chosen One" was a mentally disturbed and unstable young man? Who would have been the hero?
Here are 7 ways the whole series would have been different.
7. He Would Have Been In Slytherin
924083Everyone who's seen (and read) Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone), know that the Sorting Hat originally debated putting Harry in Slytherin, but because Harry had the courage to ask to be in Gryffindor, he was sorted into that house instead.
However, could Harry's fate been changed drastically if he didn't ask and went to Slytherin instead? It seems very likely that this list could very well have been a reality if he'd just kept his question to himself on that fateful first school day in the Great Hall.
Slytherins are described as being ambitious, self-reliant, cunning and intelligent - the perfect place to learn how to be the perfect villain, whereas Gryffindors are known to be honest, loyal, courageous and trustworthy - the traits of a true hero.