Justice League: Superman NEVER Had A Black Suit

No evil Superman either.

Superman Black Suit
Warner Bros.

No matter how many times it might have been hinted at before Justice League came out - not just by Henry Cavill but by an official toy line tied-in to the film - Superman was apparently never going to have a black suit in the ensemble movie.

That's according to a verified VFX artist who worked on the DCEU - and who worked closely with the team who removed Superman's moustache for most of the film (not that hilariously awful opening sequence with the camera phone, though, apparently). Over the weekend, a Reddit AMA session appeared with the same artist, who revealed some choice behind the scenes details, including the revelation that Darkseid wasn't going to appear and that Kilowog and Tomar Re were initially intended to feature in a post-credits sequence.

And interestingly, the artist also revealed that at no point during the film was Superman ever going to wear a black suit.


It makes a lot of sense, given how the film went in the end - and the lack of an evil arc for Superman, but it still makes Cavill's decision to tease the black material of the suit ahead of release confusing. And it also makes those tie-in toys also stick out a little oddly. You have to wonder what value there ever was in them teasing things that simply weren't ever going to happen.


The artist also reveals there was never a cut that had Superman fully evil either, despite Joss Whedon apparently reshooting 95% of his scenes. So that's another big pre-release rumour killed too.

Read Next: Justice League: 25 WTF Moments


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