King Kong Vs. Godzilla: 10 Reasons You Should Be Excited

6. It's Refreshing

I know what you€™re thinking: how can a movie about giant monsters fighting and smashing everything in sight be considered refreshing? After all, there are plenty of films that indulge audiences in similar ways. Epic blockbusters are bigger than ever, and in comparison, a movie like King Kong vs. Godzilla, or any giant monster movie for that matter, doesn€™t seem that special at first glance. However, think about the state of the modern movie industry right now. It is absolutely packed to the brim with super hero movies, teen novel adaptations, and an assortment of remakes and reboots. Now, of course King Kong and Godzilla fall into the latter category, as they have been around for decades. But compared to these other genres and franchises, these characters are severely underrepresented to audiences. Giant monster movies, especially kaiju movies, haven€™t been mainstream in a very long time. For this reason alone, King Kong vs. Godzilla is a refreshing development amidst all the other blockbusters. Fans of these particular types of films are a relatively small niche, so it is amazing to see them welcomed into the Hollywood machine, despite what any cynical naysayers might say. More people than ever will be able to see these characters represented on screen than ever before, creating a new generation of fans to keep them alive in the public consciousness.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.