Cool Watchmen Stuff Online has set pics, location info and much more!, not passing this on would just be mean. The site is a treasure trove of information on Zack Snyder€™s Watchmen. Head over there right now and you€™ll see the lookalike playing JFK in the film, pictures of the likely location for Adrian Veidt€™s Antarctic hideaway, and a comment from Glen Hansard about how he almost got the part of Rorschach (c€™mon, Glen, were they really going to pick you over Jackie Earle Haley or Paddy Considine?). I€™m awaiting Watchmen with both excitement and fear. The book was specifically designed for the medium of comic book - it plays with conventions, archetypes and storytelling that is so acutely specific to comics. Snyder wants to faithfully port the comic book directly to film€ and I fear he could be missing the point. It needs to be ADAPTED to film as opposed to translated panel-for-panel. is a site worth bookmarking, if not for the movie it€™s tracking, then for the fact that stills of Carla Gugino in skin-tight spandex will probably pop up there fairly soon. source - ign, watchmencomicmovie


Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.