A small casting update on
Django Unchained came in from
Variety last night who reported that
M.C. Gainey, who you will most likely know either as Bo Crowder on Justified, or as Tom Friendly in Lost, will play one of the three Brittle brother outlaws in
Quentin Tarantino's new spaghetti western/black slavery revenge thriller. Specifically, Gainey will play Big John Brittle and it's a small but significant part and Quentin has wisely cast an actor who can do a great deal with little screen time. Another interesting note on the movie came in from
The Hollywood Reporter on Friday (picked up by
The Playlist) who said that
Christoph Waltz has dislocated his pelvic bone whilst going through pre-production training with a horse. I guess he's probably never been in a film where he has had to ride one. There's no word on how this might delay filming which is due in November but hopefully Waltz is a quick healer and Quentin can initially shoot around him. Of course if Waltz was to pick-up a severe injury, one that would keep him out of the film, then Tarantino would have no picture. When we read the Django Unchained script it was made abundantly clear that Christoph Waltz was the one and only actor who could play this role correctly, it was written specifically for him and nobody else.

Oscar winner
Jamie Foxx leads as the black slave who is freed, trained under the tutelage of Waltzs eccentric former dentist turned bounty hunter, and then becomes an all out Clint Eastwood style gunslinger, hellbent on saving his bride who is enslaved by
Leonardo DiCaprios evil plantation owner.
Samuel L. Jackson is DiCaprios right-hand man Stephen and
we now know Kurt Russell is the ruthless henchman to DiCaprio, Ace Woody.
Laura Cayouette (who played the stripper Rocket in
Kill Bill Vol. 2) will play Candies sister, Lara-Lee. Forgotten 80s thesps
Gerald McRaney and
Dennis Christopher have supporting roles (ironically they both got a mini career revival on HBOs Deadwood) and The Wires
Michael K. Williams claims Tarantino is creating a role for him in the picture. There are other roles still to be cast, most notably that of Broomhilda, the wife of Django.
Kerry Washington was who I thought was perfect for it having read the script and its said Tarantino agreed as she was an early contender but it doesnt look like that casting is going to happen, rumoured to be because of the excessive nudity the role requires. All the loose ends should be tied up soon however as the film will begin shooting in January in New Orleans and will be in theatres Christmas Day next year.