Maybe The Batman V Superman Trailer Didn't Ruin As Much As You Thought

Production Designer shares new info about the finale of the movie.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice's production designer, Patrick Tatopoulos, has spoken with French publication Premiere about his work on the movie. Whilst Tatopoulos doesn't say much, and his comments have been translated from French, the one nugget that stood out was this:
"Doomsday isn't just the final act. Those feeling they may know too much this early, are going to be in for a true surprise. That's something to find out on March 25th."
Which, as Heroic Hollywood surmise, means that a greater threat looms in the third act of BvS. What it might be is up for debate, but personally, I'm holding out for an appearance from Lex Luthor's big, green robot suit. Perhaps powered by kryptonite... but somehow I doubt it. It's also not necessarily a character; Tatopoulos could be talking about a certain set-piece (something big falling from the sky, no doubt). What's likely is a set-up for the villain of the two-part Justice League movie, the first of which is due in 2017. And that could be anything from Brainiac, to Darkseid, to Starro the Conqueror. Tatopoulos also mentions how Superman "evolves as part of Lex's plan to protect the world." Whilst this could be a translation gaff, it seems more like a reference to Lex's mental state in the film; that for one reason or another, he believes he is protecting the world by pitting Superman against Batman. It's a common motive of Lex Luthor in the comics to believe that Superman is a dangerous alien, all ego and inferiority complexes aside. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is released on 25th March 2016.

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.