National Treasure 2 script review

cc.jpgI'm not going to be ashamed to admit that I kinda liked National Treasure. Whether it was because I into reading The Da Vinci Code or because I had recently purchased the Indiana Jones box set at the time, I can't exactly say, but I do know I was extremely motivated for watching movies about ancient secrets and historical mysteries. In truth, it was a load of crap with boring characters and a hoaky plot but it was a mildly well made load of crap.... and I consumed every minute of it!!! Latino Review have got their hands on a script review for the movie's sequel, titled National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets which is set to star Nicolas Cage reprising his role as Benjamin Franklin Gates. Remember Cage recently had his best ever opening with Ghost Rider, which previously beat out the first National Treasure, so if the sequel goes well... then despite audience hate right now.... he is an extremely profitable actor. Some tidbits from the review (some spoilers below)... In the first film, Ben Gates and his crew went looking for The Treasure of Knight€™s Templar. In this one, Gates and crew are looking for€€THE LOST CITY OF GOLD.What is the Book of Secrets referred to in the title? Well, it ain€™t the missing pages of Booth€™s diary. Booth€™s missing pages are the first clue they find that leads to other clues. In the first film, The Declaration of Independence held a clue, in the sequel, THE BOOK OF SECRETS is the super secret book only seen by THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The Book of Secrets holds a clue to the whereabouts of The Lost City of Gold. Their verdict on the script, a solid B grade.... So is the script any good? Yes it is. I enjoyed the read and it is just as good as the first. The review says that all the main players are back from the first movie with Harvey Keitel's, Diane Kruger's, Jon Voight's and Justin Bratha's characters all featured in the script... with only Sean Bean's (the villain from the first flick) not in the movie. That's pretty much all I could post from the review without going into heavy spoiler territory. Interesting that the movie isn't really about Lincoln's assassination, which I thought would actually be quite fun but you just know the movie would boil down to a final act that consisted of the hunting down of a secret society that killed the former president that still exists today or an ancestor of the murderer that is intent on killing the current president. I think it's pretty obvious on this one that the bottom line is... whatever you thought of the first movie will probably dictate whether you have any desire to see this. source - latino review
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Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.