New #Legacy Trailer Promises #BestNightOfYourLife

Prepare for lots of hashtags. It's rare that movie advertising gets that hashtags aren't just marketing buzz phrases, but cheeky summations of people's actions. That's what immediately jumps out about the trailer for Legacy (stylised as #Legacy) - throughout the tease the events are accompanied by real-sounding hashtags that are less about virality and more about summing up emotions; #OnOurWay, #Out4Revenge, #WhateverTheCost, #etc. The film follows a group of teens who, when they're rejected from a big party event, decide to create their own legendary night. The cast includes a couple of notable names (Franz Drameh, from Attack The Block, is the lead), but the big star is the music; as the trailer screams, it has a #BangingSoundtrack with tracks from the likes of #Rudimental and #Example appearing. Check out the trailer above for a look/listen. A home-grown, British production from Unstoppable Entertainment (who made Adulthood and, there's hope that Legacy will be another solid Brit-youth drama/comedy. The presence of all those personality-driven hastags in a film that will invariably be all about social networking is a good sign, suggesting it'll offer up something relatively new in the surprisingly full mega-party sub-genre. Legacy has a limited cinema release on 25th June and will be available on DVD and Digital on 29th June.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.