Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

13. Untold Devastation

Spider Man Homecoming Ferry
Marvel Studios

The weapon doesn't have the same result as we saw earlier in the trailer - which makes no sense, but whatever. Instead of causing a massive explosion, the energy blast slices through the ferry like a hot knife through butter, somehow splitting the ferry behind where Toomes was firing from.

Stop asking questions about physics and enjoy a ferry peeling apart.

It's really quite lucky that nobody was standing directly in the middle of the ferry when Vulture fired. Still, they'll be furious about their cars...

Spider Man Homecoming Ferry
Marvel Studios

But then we get quite the hero shot of Spidey saving the ferry from splitting in two completely...

Spider-Man Homecoming Ferry
Marvel Studios

This is definitely this film's version of the Spider-Man 2 runaway train save, and it definitely comes at the mid-point as he begins to struggle with his identity crisis. No struggling with his pectoral strength though...

Spider-Man Homecoming Ferry Split
Marvel Studios

That's a hell of a feat of strength, but it's obviously not quite enough...


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