Spider-Man: Kevin Feige Confirms Miles Morales Exists In The MCU

Exciting news, Ultimate Spider-Man fans...

Spider-Man Miles Morales

After years of fans wanting Ultimate universe Spider-Man Miles Morales to be given the live action, big screen treatment, we're finally moving closer to that possibility, thanks to Marvel and the MCU.

Despite the fact that Spider-Man: Homecoming is once more a Peter Parker vehicle, there was some suggestion recently of a link to Morales in the shape of his comic book uncle Aaron Davis (who became The Prowler in the comics) appearing. He's being played by long-time Spider-Man campaigner Donald Glover, who has been linked with playing Morales for years.

And now, Kevin Feige has confirmed that Morales does exist in the MCU. Well, somewhere anyway.


Feige spoke to Screen Crush, to address how, during Spider-Man: Homecoming, Glover’s Aaron Davis casually mentions his nephew and while he doesn't specifically name check him, Feige teased the fact that it's Miles by confirming that “anything that’s happened in the books” is fair-game for Marvel to use. Which makes the previous comments about them not using characters Sony are using somewhat confusing...

Feige also revealed they're very consciously teasing Morales' existence, almost as if they WANT us to set up a spin-off for ourselves...

“In the meantime, I think Miles is a big part of the animated movie that Sony’s making. But where we go... we definitely want you to go ‘[Miles] is there. He’s there somewhere.’”

The phrasing on the animated movie point definitely seems to suggest is won't be tied to the MCU (as has previously already been established), so it will be interesting to see whether we might get both an animated and a live action version of the character competing.

Whatever the logistics, we need that to happen.


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