Star Trek: 10 Ways To Do A Crossover With Star Wars


It seems impossible. Or at the very least, a terrible, terrible idea that would result in catastrophic, possibly world ending consequences. Because for the most part, Star Wars Fans and Trekkers hate each other. So a Star Wars/Star Trek crossover could conceivably lead to four possible outcomes.

1. The implosion of the universe.

2. Worldwide riots involving a West Side Story-esque rumble where the two sides are armed with Lightsabers and Bat€™leths.

3. Content that is worse than the Star Wars prequels and Star Trek: Generations combined.

4. Something totally, utterly, mind-blowingly awesome.

Regardless of the result, where would you even begin? Star Wars takes place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away and Star Trek takes place centuries in the future. So before you can answer the question of €œShould they do this?€ you first have to figure out €œHow would they do this?€

Fortunately, both universes feature an abundance of incredibly dumb plot devices that make little to no sense whatsoever outside of driving a narrative. That€™s the beauty of Science Fiction, you can explain pretty much anything with one simple word: Because!

We€™re going to have to push the bounds of both science and magic to to boldly go to a galaxy far, far away. This isn€™t won€™t be your run-of-the-mill suspension of disbelief, it will be an in-school suspension of disbelief, with no doodling, dilly-dallying allowed, and minimal bathroom breaks for disbelief.

Now, is your disbelief under supervision in a combination desk/chair? Excellent. Begin.


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.